In the appellation Côtes de l’Orbe AOC, red wines represent 4/5 of the production. This proportion is unique in a canton where white grape Chasselas is the king.
Even though it covers 15% of the vineyard area, Chasselas is far behind Gamay (45%) and Pinot Noir (nearly 20%). These two red grape varieties are also very popular in Switzerland. They are both enjoyed, not only in fruity red wines, but also in rosé or in blends, sometimes matured in barrels.
Following the list of grape varieties grown in Côtes de l’Orbe AOC, we find Garanoir (7.5%) and Gamaret (6.3%). These two varieties were created by the federal research station of Changins in the 1970’s.
Rare varieties share the remaining six hectares. For example, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah – for reds – as well as Riesling Sylvaner, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Doral – for whites.
Agence ADNV / Office du tourisme du Nord vaudois
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1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
T +41 24 423 03 13