The Espace Gutenberg was created more than 20 years ago by a number of enthusiasts. It has an impressive collection of printing machines and material dating from the 18th to the 20th century. Recently relocated in light rooms on the first floor of the communal building of la Petite Amérique, the exhibition is open on request. It is aimed in particular at schools and other enthusiasts of the techniques which accompanied the industrial revolution.
Over the years the Espace Gutenberg has extended its activities, taking in not only artisanal typography but also lithography and the production of its own paper. These techniques are demonstrated to the visitors, who are encouraged to find out for themselves how to work some presses.
Opening and guided tour on request.
Agence ADNV / Office du tourisme du Nord vaudois
Avenue de la Gare 2
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
T +41 24 423 03 13