In 2025, the events will be organised around the theme of traditional Scandinavian knives. Specialist exhibitors will be mingling with cutlers who will be showcasing their finest creations.
On the programme:
– Demonstrations of historic Viking weaponry.
– Presentation of a historic Scandinavian ship.
– Craft market with historic objects and original Scandinavian and Viking creations.
– Demonstration of historical blacksmithing.
– Axe throwing and archery.
– Bronze-working demonstrations.
– Children’s workshop.
– Activities in our forges by the Corsican Cutlers’ Union.
– Blade forging demonstration workshop and introduction to guillochage.
– Refreshments and food on the banks of the Orbe! Historically-inspired Scandinavian food and refreshments.
– No pre-booking, ticket office on site.
Agence ADNV / Office du tourisme du Nord vaudois
Avenue de la Gare 2
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
T +41 24 423 03 13